4 Tips To Manage Your Family Calendar
- 1. Put it on the calendar: This might sound simple, but it’s essential: if you have something to do, put it on the calendar. Most families juggle too many activities to keep track of everything mentally. Trying to memorize the exact start time of a birthday party or another random event isn’t practical. When you book an activity or RSVP to an event, add it to the calendar immediately! If it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening.
- 2. Have a separate calendar for each person: If your kids are old enough to have scheduled activities, they probably already have an email address. Create a calendar linked to their email for their events. As they grow older, this gives them more control and responsibility over managing their schedules. Parents should also have their own calendars. The key is sharing all calendars within the family. Then, configure your favorite calendar app to display each person’s schedule in a different color so you can see everything in one place. At Skedj, we’re working on tools to make this even easier, but having separate calendars is a must for staying organized.
- 3. Everyone subscribes to all calendar feeds: Calendar feeds from sports teams, schools, and other organized activities are fantastic—but they only help if everyone who needs to see them subscribes. Until Skedj makes this process seamless, reduce your stress by subscribing to these feeds now. It ensures everyone stays informed about important events.
- 4. Use meeting invites to keep work in sync: One of the toughest challenges in managing a family calendar is coordinating it with work commitments. Blocking time on your work calendar for family events and adding key work events to your family calendar can be tricky. Until Skedj launches, the best way to bridge the gap is by sending calendar invites between your work and personal accounts. While this might create duplicate events and require some manual updates to free/busy time, it’s a good starting point.